Secrets of an Accidental Duchess

Secrets of an Accidental DuchessOlivia Donovan looked to be a fragile woman and she was with the malaria that she survived from years ago. The fevers still come to her and weakens her but inside Olivia she wants to break out and be brave. She wants to experience life. She will find herself waking up to a new life with Max.

Maxwell “Max” Buchanan is soon to be a duke and has lived a life like a rake not caring about many things. He will place a bet to seduce Olivia but when he meets her he forgets about the bet altogether. He will just want to get to know Olivia and to be with her. He will get his wish but there will be danger that threatens to rip them apart.

Secrets of an Accidental Duchess is the second book to the series Donovan by Jennifer Haymore. I really liked this book. The story flew by for me and I was into this plot as the villain was pretty horrible and the situations were pretty dangerous for the safety of the characters.

Olivia was a weak character with her health though she was strong in her personality which shinned as a caring person with a passion that was sizzling below. Max was a rake but when responsibility comes to him he changes. He was changing already by his interaction with Olivia. The two of them were doomed to start as you know that business with the wager, between Fenwicke and Max, was going to come back and hurt the couple. Though that hurt will not stay too long to keep them away from each other and I was happy for their happy ending.

The villain was clearly Lord Fenwicke who liked to cause pain. In this book there is without a doubt of spousal abuse as he uses his wives body as a punching bag. Though Lady Fenwicke is not the only one that Fenwicke wants to cause pain. He wants to hurt Olivia for not accepting his offer as a mistress. Then there was Fenwicke’s hatred for Max as he was jealous. Fenwicke is a dangerous man when he wants something and will use any kind of violence to get what he wants. Well in this book the villain does not win but he came close towards the end.

I am reading the third book next which will have Meg coming back. She was thought to have died at sea so I am excited to find out what had happened to her and how she will be reunited with the man she loved.